I’m sure you’ve all heard this every time you fly, “In the unlikely event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the panel above your head. Secure your own mask before helping others.”
★ Why Self-Care Matters
We often think self-care only matters when we’re ill. But nothing is further from the truth, and it’s so important we take care of our mind, body, and overall wellbeing every day.
★ We All Know Self-Care is Important But Why is It So Darned Hard To Do?
Practising daily self-care is difficult because of our ultra-busy lives, constant digital distractions, painfully stressful jobs, demanding family life, to-do lists that never end... and the list goes on.
★ Why Self-Care Matters
TIP 3: EAT right as part of your self-care routine.
TIP 4: SAY NO to others as part of your self-care routine.
TIP 5: Take a daily self-care break as part of your self-care routine.
TIP 6: Join a self-care group or speak to a coach or therapist as part of your self-care routine.
- Katie Reed, writer, speaker, and mental health advocate